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SF Neighborhood Battles


Over the years there have been many battles to protect neighborhoods in the City.

The Freeway Revolt

 Freeway Revolt Statue
Freeway Revolt Statue
(Photo: Howard Wong)

No Dig stalwart Nadya Williams found this statue that commemorates citizens who turned back a plan to riddle SF with freeways:

Sculpture and Plaque Commemorating the San Francisco Citizens’ Victory Against the 1956 Proposal to Belt The City with Freeways

Location: Sculpture and Plaque are in front of house at 2010/2004 Gough Street,– east side of street facing Lafayette Park, between Clay and Washington Streets, just one house north of the corner of Clay & Gough.

Placed along the sidewalk, against a short iron fence, at eye level. Can’'t miss it!

Description: 3-foot 12-inch” high metal figures of citizen activists, mounted atop a large wooden stand, with a vertical metal plaque below of a map of the proposed freeway system & text.

Text of Plaque:

“The Freeway Revolt”

This map shows the vast network of freeways proposed for San Francisco in 1956. By standing up to say “No”, by speaking out in public, by circulating petitions, ordinary citizens turned back this assault on the fabric of our dear City.

We will always be grateful to them.

[For a poem about this see ruth's words] “

More on the Freeway Revolt

 Early plan for 8-lane freeway to cut under Russian Hill
Early plan for 8-lane freeway to cut under Russian Hill   FoundSF

See more at FoundSF

and MisterSF

The Fontana Towers and Waterfront Battle.

Found SF article

Residents of Russian Hill and Casper Weinberger (a Republican conservationist) stopped towers along the waterfront. A coalition fought for the waterfront 40-foot height limits. Later, height limits were initiated on Russian Hill. — Howard Wong

Web site updated September 7, 2014;